About me

Hello, my name is Youssef Bahi. I am a 26-year-old full stack web developer and cloud maintainer, born and raised in Oujda, Morocco. I currently live and work in Paris. In my free time, I enjoy sports, particularly football and boxing.


Php Laravel, Lumen, Slim, Yaravel

C# Asp.net

Go Net, Gin-gonic

Node Javascript(Express), Typescript(Nestjs)

Front end

Web HTML, CSS, CSS Flexbox, CSS Grid, sass, JavaScript, TypeScript

Frameworks Angular, Vue.js, Nuxt, Svelte

Mobile Flutter

Other skills

Cloud Aws, Azure

Databases MySql, Postgres, Sql server, SQLite, MongoDB, Firebase

Project management Trello, UML, Merise, Git & Github

Deployement & Servers Docker, Docker-Compose, Nginx, Apache2...

Some of my work


This is an application that allows you to store your personal secrets on your local PC and encrypt them using your own encryption key. It also provides the functionality to import and export your encrypted data.

(Vue3, Ts)
Live App Repo


Microservices Shop API application designed to showcase the seamless integration of microservices written in diverse languages and frameworks, along with their deployment utilizing Docker images and Docker Compose.

(Go Gin, Php Lumen, Js Express, Ts Nestjs, C# Asp)
Repo Api doc


The application is a small blog where users can create, like, and comment on articles.

(Laravel, Angular)
Live App
Api doc Repo


This is a small PHP MVC framework that includes everything needed to create a basic application.

Live App Repo


Small and user-friendly PHP ORM that is compatible with MySQL and SQLite databases.



Small Twitter-like application using my Framework. Users can create an account and post tweets.

(Php, Yaravel)
Live App Repo


Docker Compose configurations for diverse stacks (SQL, NoSQL, mail server) and easy initiation with persistent data using Docker volumes. Nice for development purposes.

(Mail Server, MongoDb, MySQL, Postgres, Redis)

Fake Bank

This is a simulated banking application that enables users to open an account, obtain a credit card, and perform transactions with other accounts.

(Asp, Flutter not finished yet)
Api doc
See more on my github

Contact me